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How do I join the 'Education Queensland' LibCode Discussion List?

One of our Loyal LibCode clients has kindly setup a LibCode Discussion List. This list can be joined at

To join:

  1. Select 'Subscribe' on the above website
  2. Under the 'List Name' heading select the group called 'Libcode Usergroup Network'
  3. Enter your name and email address
  4. Click 'Subscribe'
  5. The website will now automatically send you a confirmation email. Follow the provided steps and you will signed up for the discussion list.
  6. To contact the discussion list users, send an email to , this will automatically send an email to all members of the Discussion List.

This is an email list that links LibCode clients together in a welcoming and friendly environment. We do not see this as replacement for our support but it is a good place to share ideas and tricks of the trade. If you have problems please contact us directly because they are probably peculiar to your situation. 

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