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How do I let students use Circulation safely... ?

Because the Circulation module has password protection on all sensitive areas it is quite safe to let students (usually trained Library Monitors) take care of Circulation for periods of unsupervised time. The best way to ensure only Circulation is used you should create an Icon that jumps straight into the Circulation module. 

  1. Right Click middle of nowhere Windows screen
  2. Click New / then Shortcut
  3. The exe you need to run is CMCIRC.EXE and you don't need any switches. You will need to determine the rest of the path.  Please check with you computer support person... (you could right click on the LibCode Suite icon / click properties and write down the Cmd line and Start in details... the only difference is "lcsuite.exe" needs to be replaced with "cmcirc.exe" ...

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